Book Review: The Story of Owen, Dragonslayer of Trondheim

Star Ratings: Characters: **** (4 stars) Character Development: **** (4 stars) Plot: ** (2 stars) Writing: *** (3 stars_ Overall: *** (3/5 stars) Age range recommendation: 11 and up. I read The Story of Owen in the more restful hours of my recent trip to New York City, and while I had a fun timeContinue reading “Book Review: The Story of Owen, Dragonslayer of Trondheim”

Book Review: The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough

Star Ratings: Characters: **** (4 stars) Character Development: ***** (5 stars) Plot: *** (3 stars) Writing: **** (4 stars) Overall: **** (4 out of 5 stars) I recommend The Game of Love and Death for readers age 14 and up, though there’s nothing particularly terrifying or overtly sexual, so strong younger readers could give itContinue reading “Book Review: The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough”